Sunday, August 17, 2008

10 Days Before Departure

Hi there. For all of you who know us, I'm sure it comes as no surprise that Shannon and I have decided to study abroad together in Malaysia. Being that we have been inseparable since the third grade, we decided to continue the tradition. We are now 10 days away from leaving, and we thought we should try out the blog. Hopefully, this will help people keep track of us as we travel around Southeast Asia for the next four months. We are very excited and nervous about the adventure we are about to embark on!!


twondra said...

This is great! I'm a blogaholic and love that you guys are doing this. :) We'll be checking in!

Aunt Teresa said...

Thanks for having yourmom share this site- have a marvelous time and be smart! love ya!

ahaverty said...

Hope you have a safe trip, how long of a flight is it? Take lots of pictures, can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

You are both going to have so much fun! I just got back from Wisconsin today, and I couldn't have had a nicer vacation. Enjoy yourselves!

Grandma Sue

guavaboy said...

Welcome 2 beautiful Malaysia..
;p wink

HER said...

Hope school is going great. Hope you are having fun..but not too much fun...holly