Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well sort of all done, starting Monday we will be taking the journey of our lives but before we discuss that we are going to fill you in on our last couple weeks at INTI.

First here are some pictures of where we have been studying the last couple months...

And contrary to popular belief we did do some studying...

Last week we participated in the Halloween night at INTI. Meghan went as Superwomen and Shannon went as Batman, yes BatMAN, we do not discriminate. As you can all imagine we spent the night fighting crime and doing it well. But between saving the world we participated in different games, a costume contest, and also danced the night away. Overall for none of them actually celebrating Halloween before and the fact that it was over a week early; they still did a really good job with the décor as well as the different festivities. Now here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure…

And now onto our travels…. We leave November 3rd from Kuala Lumpur and head to Bangkok, Thailand. We will be spending a few days in Bangkok then taking a night train up to Chang Mai to do a two day one night trek. We will also be checking out a famous night market that Chang Mai has every Sunday night and hopefully buying some fisherman pants. On the following Monday we fly to Luang Probang, Laos we will be there a majority of that next week then we fly to Hanoi, Vietnam. From Hanoi we are going to take the train down the coast which we have been told takes roughly 24 hours! We will be splitting the trip in half by stopping in Hoi An for a night. Keep in mind that all of our dates for Vietnam are subject to change, but we would like to leave around November 24th. From here we will take a bus into Phenom Phen, Cambodia. Our total time in Cambodia is roughly a week. We fly out of Siem Reap on December 3rd and back to Bangkok. We are going to spend a couple more days in Bangkok to see whatever we may miss on the first go around. On December 7th we fly to Ko Samui, an island in Southern Thailand. We are going to spend most of our time here relaxing on the beach and possibly do a day tour of the island. On the 11th we will take a Ferry to Ko Pha-Ngan for the Full Moon Party that they have everything month and is suppose to be amazing! From here we head back to Malaysia and then for home on December 15th! This will conclude what we like to call Southeast Asia in 45 days!

1 comment:

twondra said...

Mark says Batman and Superman are 2 of his favorites. :) I had to clarify that it was Superwoman. :) Glad you guys are having a good time. I don't know how you keep up with the schedule. :)

Mark says it's good to see you're doing some schoolwork in between the dancing.

(I told him it was parties and not necessarily dances but he insists on his words.) :)